© WWF-Philippines / Ana Chavez

For over 25 years, WWF-Philippines has been working to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife.


Locally registered as Kabang Kalikasan ng Pilipinas Foundation, Inc., WWF-Philippines is part of the WWF International Network, the world's largest independent conservation organization. Since 1997, we have successfully implemented various conservation projects to help protect some of Asia's most biologically significant ecosystems.

We partner with governments, businesses, communities, and individuals to realize our mission to stop and eventually reverse the accelerating degradation of the Philippine environment. With the help of our supporters, we aim to build a future where Filipinos live in harmony with nature.

Our vision is a Philippines where globally significant biodiversity is properly protected and harnessed to sustain life for all and where species, habitats, and resources form part of a unique heritage that every Filipino is proud of.


our history

It started with sea turtles. The Turtle Islands, a famous nesting ground for green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas), faced a growing threat from marine turtle egg poachers as they offer locals a source of protein and income. This prompted conservation efforts from different individuals who would eventually pave the way for the establishment of WWF-Philippines. 

Our conservation efforts did not stop at the Turtle Islands.

Throughout the years, we helped establish Tubbataha Reefs as a Marine Protected Area, monitored tourism within Donsol to minimize further exploitation of whale sharks, championed Plastic Smart Cities to support a circular economy, among many others.

All of these projects were made possible with the help of the local communities and supporters like you.

We still face major threats to our planet, from climate change to environmental degradation. Yet, 25 years on, we are still committed to delivering deeper and more lasting impact on conservation projects that could help #ChangeTheEnding.

To celebrate our 25th anniversary, we gathered 25 stories of inspiration, impact, and innovation from conservation heroes who have been part of our journey since the beginning. WWF-Philippines' identity today is the result of all those who contributed a part of their heart and soul to the organisation. 



why is our logo a panda?


The inspiration for the WWF logo came from Chi-Chi: a giant panda that was living at the London Zoo in 1961, the same year WWF was created. WWF’s founders were aware of the need for a strong, recognizable symbol that would overcome all language barriers. They agreed that the big, furry animal with her appealing, black-patched eyes would make an excellent choice. The design of the logo has evolved over the past five decades, but the giant panda’s distinctive features remain an integral part of WWF’s treasured and unmistakable symbol. Today, WWF’s trademark is recognized as a universal symbol for the conservation movement.