Final Evaluation Consultant for Sustainable Tuna Partnership 2 Project (STP2)

Project/Programme Names(s): Support for sustainable and fair tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean II (henceforth 'the project')
Project/Programme Location(s): Philippines (Mindoro Strait and Lagonoy Gulf), Indonesia, China
Project/Programme Reference Number(s): BMZ bengo project No. 5918
Name of Project/Programme Executants (WWF Office, Name of Project/Programme Manager): WWF Philippines / Project Manager Joanna Binondo; WWF CTP / Project Manager: Nimawati Nilmawati; WWF China / Project Manager: Yimo Zhang
Project/Programme Duration (from start year): Nov 2021-Dec 31, 2024
Period to be evaluated: Entire project duration
Name of Implementing Partners (if relevant): Tambuyog Development Center

Project/Programme Overview and Starting Situtation

The project's target groups are severely affected by poverty. The impact of the declining yellowfin tuna stock over the last decades is felt in the project areas and fishers have to travel further and further distances to catch yellowfin tuna. There is a lack of a regional sustainable management framework for the stock in the Western-Central Pacific to ensure that only as much is caught each year as can be replenished. Illegal, Undocumented and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and increasing fishing capacity by various fishing nations, such as China, Philippines and Indonesia, threaten the reproductive capacity of the stock and the health of the marine ecosystem. The lack of implementation of fisheries regulations at regional, national and local levels prevents sustainable fisheries. There is a need to secure long-term access to the yellowfin tuna resource as a main source of income, as well as to strengthen the capacity of their associations that can secure this access for them. Last October 19, 2021, the Philippine Tuna Handline Partnership, formed through the efforts of the first phase of the STP project, earned certification from the Marine Stewardship Council, setting history as the first fishers in the Philippines to be given use of the ecolabel. Despite their achievement, however, there are 9 unmet conditions that must improve upon in order for them to retain their certification after five years. The project will also build the socio-economic competencies of the target group and their associations and promote the necessary framework conditions at local, national and regional (WCPFC) level for the conservation of a healthy yellowfin tuna stock. 

Evaluation Purpose and Use, Objectives, and Scope

The main justification for this final evaluation is the verification of successes, completeness and context of the project by assessing the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, adaptive capacity and sustainability of the project strategies over the entire implementation period.


Evaluators: WWF is looking for individual consultants or consulting teams to perform this service. Experience in impact evaluation of fisheries and sustainability, socio-economic development and complex stakeholder processes is a must. Strong English language skills are a prerequisite, as the report is expected to be delivered in English. CV, track record, and other evidence of relevant experience are to be handed with the application. To apply, submit the requirements to

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