The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
We encourage you to use and share our content. All we ask is that you make sure to include the copyright information and preferably link back to the page on which you found the original content.
Using pictures
We are supported by a group of photographers around the world who let us to use their images to help promote our work. If you would like to use any of the images on our website, please use them in the original context in which you found them and you must include the image copyright information.
Using the Panda symbol/ logo
WWF's panda symbol is a registered trademark and is subject to copyright. It must not be used or reproduced without express permission.
Crediting text in print & web publications
For print, any reproduction, in full or in part, must credit WWF-Philippines as follows:
© [date of material] WWF-Philippines. Some rights reserved.
For a website then all you really need do is link back to our web site and, preferably directly to the page on which you found the original text.
You can always contact us at or reach out to us on our socials.